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The school’s governing body consists of three staff governors, five parent governors, five governors appointed by the governing body and the Headteacher. All categories of governor are appointed for a term of four years.

​The agenda for the most recent meeting and minutes of the previous Board meeting are available on request to the Clerk to Governors, Mrs Helen Sparling.  If you would like a copy of the minutes, or you would like to contact governors, please email   Parents interested in the work of the governors or in becoming a governor are welcome to contact the school for more information.

Board of Governors' Meetings 2023/24

Wednesday 20 September 2023
Wednesday 18 October 2023
Wednesday 29 November 2023
Wednesday 24 January 2024
Wednesday 20 March 2024
Wednesday 22 May 2024
Wednesday 03 July 2024

All meetings start at 6.00 pm.


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    Mr Jon Nunes


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    Mrs Jacci Ramplin

    Appointed Governor (Chair)

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    Ms Lisa Atkins

    Parent Governor

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    Mr Aaron Brooks

    Staff Governor

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    Mr Josh Furnival

    Staff Governor

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    Mrs Pamela Gregory

    Appointed Governor

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    Mrs Fiona Harper

    Appointed Governor (Vice Chair)

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    Mrs Charlotte Hartley-Hodge

    Appointed Governor

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    Mrs Amanda Hayden

    Appointed Governor

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    Mr John Hinton

    Parent Governor

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    Mrs Donna Kenny

    Parent Governor

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    Mrs Clara Mason

    Staff Governor

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    Ms Annabelle Richards

    Parent Governor

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    Mr Ken Trevitt

    Staff Governor



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