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There are many good reasons for wearing uniform; uniform creates an identity, it encourages a feeling of belonging and of having pride in the school and in appearance; it minimises differences and is by far the most sensible, smart and affordable way to dress during school time. 

Parental cooperation is essential if we are to achieve this high standard.

All students in Years 7 - 11 are required to wear school uniform and no exceptions will be made. Any student incorrectly dressed, for example wearing trousers which are tight-fitting, parents will be informed so the uniform issue can be rectified. 

Any persistent refusal to follow the school dress code may result in more serious sanctions being applied, including exclusion.

Everything should be clearly named, including purses and pencil cases.  Backwell uniform is designed to be smart, practical, comfortable and affordable.

Click here to read about our uniform and equipment expectations

Click here to view a video from Price and Buckland on how to measure your child for their school uniform.

Uniform Expectations

We have high expectations of all students and their uniform.

  • Students should not wear jumpers, hoodies or sweatshirts to school. This includes under or instead of a coat.
  • PE uniform (including Backwell branded jumpers/ mid layers) is to be worn in PE lessons only. Students should not wear their PE kit around the school site.
  •  Students should not wear/ bringing smart watches to school, these are expensive items and can cause a distraction.
  • As outlined in our uniform expectations, students are permitted to wear a maximum of one pair of earrings in the ear and/or one stud in the nose to school and these must be removed for PE/ sporting activities due to Health and Safety reasons.
  • If a student is considering a new piercing, then this needs to be timed (for example, at the start of the summer holidays) so that it can be removed without causing pain/ healing over. 
  • If your child has recently had a new piercing, they will be unable to take part in a wide range of activities within our PE curriculum for a 6 week period. PE staff will still expect them to participate in lessons, and so they should come prepared with the correct PE kit. This includes bringing tape or a plaster to cover the new piercing.
  • Students will undertake a variety of roles within their lessons, including officiating, coaching and developing leadership skills. After this ‘grace period’ of 6 weeks, students will be expected to remove their piercing for PE lessons so that they are not missing large proportions of the PE curriculum.
  • Students will not be permitted to use their piercings as a reason to request different PE activities.
  • As well as the piercings described above, a pupil may also wear a watch if they wish. 
  • Other jewellery, such as necklaces, bracelets or rings are not allowed.

Acceptable School Trousers

Unacceptable School Trousers


Summer Uniform Contingency

If the weather is forecast to be particularly hot for a prolonged period of time, the school will inform parents (and students) that PE shorts can be worn to school.

Shorts cannot be worn without this confirmation from the school. 

Where to buy our uniform

Uniforms can be purchased from our uniform supplier, Price and Buckland, via their website by clicking on the following link:

You will have full access to our school uniform, including detailed sizing charts and information on delivery of your order.

​If you encounter any problems accessing Price and Buckland's website, or with placing your order, please contact their Customer Services department direct on 0115 964 0827 for further assistance.

We do have a small selection of second-hand uniforms for sale. Please email us, with your child's sizes (please use the measuring guide below) and we can check what stock we have to offer you. All second-hand uniform items are £5 each.

Click here to view a video from Price and Buckland on how to measure your child for their school uniform.