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Backwell School Charter

​The Board of Governors is committed to maintaining a comprehensive school with a non-selective intake of students at age 11 which aims to enable and ensure that all its young people become:

  • Successful, independent and enterprising young people who enjoy learning and achieve their best in all that they do.
  • Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives.
  • Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to their local, national and global communities and who respect diversity, in all forms.

The school will:

  • Support the individual needs of all students.
  • Provide and maintain a safe, caring and stimulating physical, social and learning environment where individuals are treated with respect, and discriminatory behaviour is challenged.  
  • Provide an excellent education for all students, giving them the opportunity to use and develop their individual skills and abilities, and enjoy their time at school.
  • Maintain a broad, balanced and appropriately challenging curriculum that addresses the needs of all students.
  • Encourage students to take pride in their school and to contribute to its development.
  • Recognise and reward the achievements of students.
  • Respond to and serve the needs of the local community.
  • Work with parents, the community, other schools and local and national services for children and young people.
  • Value the contribution of all staff and parents.
  • Be committed to the professional development and wellbeing of all staff.
  • Employ all staff under terms and conditions that are fair and reflective of their individual roles and responsibilities, taking into consideration relevant national and local terms and conditions.
  • Consult staff on matters relating to their terms and conditions of employment, recognising the role of trade unions and professional organisations.