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Rewards System

Rewards for Positive Behaviour

We are really excited about launching a new positive behaviour system starting in September 2021. We want to have a more consistent way of celebrating and tracking the fantastic effort that our students are making both in lessons and in activities outside of lessons. This system will apply to all year groups from Year 7 to Year 13.

Positive Points

In class, students will receive Positive Points when they show really great learning skills, or when they have been a great classmate, e.g. by showing kindness or inclusivity, or when they have done great home learning for a subject, e.g. work outside a lesson. These will come under three categories:

  • Great Learner
  • Great Classmate
  • Great Home Learning

When a student receives a Positive Point, parents will receive an email home so that they can celebrate their efforts in school that day with them. When a student accumulates enough Positive Points, their tutor will award them a certificate to recognise that achievement formally, and this will be emailed home for you to celebrate their success with them.

If they go on to gain further Positive Points, they will be awarded a certificate from their Head of House or Head of Year, and beyond that, a certificate from the Headteacher, and then the Governors. Point totals for all students will reset at the start of each school year.

Backwell Awards

We also want to recognise when our students reach out and try new things, whether that is taking part or helping lead an extracurricular club or activity, or getting involved in the running of our school community by joining one of our many school groups or committees or taking an ambassadorial role at a school event.  We are therefore launching the Backwell School Awards.

There will be five categories of awards available at each key stage: Community, Environment, Scholar, Active and Creative. When a student has got involved in three activities that contribute towards a particular category, they will receive a Backwell Award for that category, and be presented with a badge to acknowledge that, which they will be allowed to wear as part of their school uniform if they so choose.

We are using the Unifrog platform as a school to support students in every year group to think about career and future education choices. All students already have a logon for this, and they will continue to learn how to use the opportunities UniFrog provides in tutor times. Students will record the activities they do that contribute to an Award on this platform.

The information on this platform will then be used by their tutors or teachers when writing references for jobs or education courses.