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Backwell School is a popular school and has been oversubscribed for a number of years.  The maximum intake for Year 7 is 270 students and places will be allocated as per the over-subscription criteria detailed in our Admission Arrangements.  

Our first geographical area (catchment area) is also outlined in this document, however parents living outside this area are also welcome to apply.  

Places arising 'in-year' are rare and so parents interested in gaining a place for their child, outside the Year 7 intake, should email the school in the first instance:

We cannot offer prospective tours of the school. However, all families will be invited in to visit us if we can offer a place when applying 'in-year'.

​Please note that school admission requests and enquiries are dealt with during term time only.

Will a move really be in my child’s best interests? 

An application to change a child’s school will need careful consideration. It is vital that parents consider the effect on their child if they are contemplating changing schools. 

For the last two years of secondary school (Years 10 and 11), when children are preparing for their GCSE’s it is generally considered that changing schools at this stage should be avoided. This is because it may have a damaging effect on the examination results your child can achieve. 

Schools do not always offer the same combination of subjects and syllabi and examination requirements can differ, as schools do not all use the same examination boards. 

For information about admission to the Sixth Form, please click here to view the Sixth Form Admission page of the website.

​You can view the following government documents by clicking on the appropriate link:

School Admissions Code:

School Admissions Appeals Code:

Open Evening for Year 7 Intake - September 2025

Our Open Evening for prospective parents for the September 2025 Year 7 intake will take place on Thursday 19 September 2024.

Our Open Evening will be followed by the opportunity for parents and their children to have a tour of the school during normal school hours to see the school in operation. 

All tours are held in the morning and will be bookable after the open evening.

You can find lots of information about the school, and how we support students on our website:


Supporting Students

Exam Results

Admissions 2023-24

Admissions arrangements for Backwell School for the academic year 2023-24 can be found in the Admissions Policy of the Lighthouse Schools Partnership by clicking on the link:

LSP Admission Policy for 2023-24 (Years 7 - 11 and Sixth Form)

Map showing Backwell School catchment area 

Admissions 2024-25

Admissions arrangements for Backwell School for the academic year 2024-25 can be found in the Admissions Policy of the Lighthouse Schools Partnership by clicking on the link:

LSP Admission Policy for 2024-25 (Years 7-11 and Sixth Form)

Admissions Appeals Timetable 2024-25

North Somerset Secondary Coordinated Scheme 2024-25

Map showing Backwell School catchment area 

Admissions 2025-26

Admissions arrangements for Backwell School for the academic year 2025-26 can be found in the Admissions Policy of the Lighthouse Schools Partnership by clicking on the link:

LSP Admissions Policy for 2025-26 (Years 7 - 11 and Sixth Form)

Map showing Backwell School catchment area